
Progetti in corso
LIAISON (rif. IST-511766) – Location Based Services For The Enhancement Of Working Environment;
GlobVolcano Global Volcano observatory

Progetti Conclusi

BRAND NEW (rif. EP26769) Business reference architecture for retailing on the web;

STEPS2 (rif. EP26808) Strategic topics in the engineering of public services for employment;

TITAN (rif. IA1011(EN)) “ Tactical Integration of Telematics Applications across Intelligent Networks?;

ODIN (rif. IST-1999-10498) – geOgraphic Distributed INformation tools and services for the mobile information society

PARREHA (rif. IST-1999-12552) – Rehabilitation IT Aid for the Parkinsonians?;

LOCCATEC (rif. IST-1999-10498) – LOw Cost CATastrophic Event Capturing?;